Friday, July 18, 2008

My blueberry muffin is 10 months old!

I can hardly believe she's two months away from being a year old. She's grown so much now. Here's what she's been up to:

Emily's ninth month:

Latest tricks: I could hardly believe that Emily took her first steps when she was just eight months old but then again she has been early on a lot of things. This month she's been walking more and more. She started off just walking back and forth from person to person and would slowly increase the amount of steps until she was walking across the room. After that she'd walk around the whole house hanging onto one finger of someone else. She was nervous to let go. This last past week has been really great, she's walking by herself almost everywhere. She learned how to stand up from a sitting position and walk from there. If she falls she stands herself back up and goes on walking. Such a big girl! Last night was so funny, she was trying to run to her daddy when he got out of work and she'd have to stop every few steps and catch her balance.

Vocal: She said sister for the first time a couple weeks ago. It ended up sounded more like sissst but we figured out that she was saying sister. She says bub for Nathan and she calls me when she wants me now. She might be playing on the floor and then she'll look around and say mamamama and if I don't come to her she'll crawl or walk to me saying mamama the whole way. If I leave the room and she didn't want me to she yells MAMAMAMA. She's been singing little baby songs and she recently learned how to make kiss noises which she likes to do a lot. She says "Hi" to people too.

Eating: She's added more foods to her little list. I still give her some baby food but she mostly eats whatever we're having if she can. Not if it's something like steak but foods like rice or soft veggies. I give her soups to eat, noodle soups and veggie soups, she eats canned fruits. She loved the fresh blueberries I recently picked. That made for some interesting baby pooh.

Misc: Emily is getting the two teeth next to her front top teeth. They aren't out all the way yet but you can see two white bumps. She loves the swimming pool, she kicks her feet like crazy when she's in it. She's going through a new phase lately where she really wants to be with me and doesn't like to be held by people she doesn't really know. Sometimes she's ok with it but usually she'll lean back to me or cry. She likes to hold onto my finger if I'm sitting near her she'll crawl up and grab it. She take a couple hour nap in the afternoon then we put her in bed around nine. She's still in diapers size 3 and clothes 12 months. Thank goodness it's summer because the 12 month shorts fit her but her legs are too short for 12 month pants.

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