Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Emily's Seventh Month!

Emily's 7th month picture.

Emily is only a few days away from turning eight months, I seriously can't believe it. My little baby, eight months already?!?!

Latest tricks:
Not only is Emily crawling around EVERYWHERE she's pulling herself up on everything!! She started by pulling herself up on me when I was sitting on the ground and then she started pulling herself up on the couch. Now nothing is safe, she pulls herself up on furniture, the bathtub, toys, walls, doors, and people. She also has started to walk along the furniture, she walks down the couch and along the window, sometimes with only one hand.

Vocal: Vocals are similar to last month except now she talks to things. For example if she's holding a toy she'll look at it and carry on a mini conversation with it. She'll look at her hand and talk about it while she turns it about and studies it.

Sleep habits: Emily has completely cut out any third nap she might have been taking and some times even cuts out her second nap depending on how late she sleeps in. Nights are about the same, she usually gets up around 7:30.

Eating: Emily still is eating gerber 2nds baby food. She eats just about anything. Her favorites are green beans and carrots for veggies and applesauce and peaches for fruit. She doesn't care for mixed veggies much. I've been trying some table food now as well, I cut up strawberries really small and let her eat those and she LOVES them. She's also had cut up cooked carrots. I keep thinking I need to get her one of those mesh things you can put food in and they can gum it through the mesh. She has been eating freezed dried gerber snacks and the gerber puffs. I just started letting her try some juice but since it's not the best for them I water it down a lot.

Misc: Emily now has two baby teeth in the bottom jaw in the front. She got the second tooth in the middle of April. I expect she'll be getting more soon. We've been enjoying her new swing. She actually likes to be pushed higher, she usually cracks up. Jimmy and I still take turns taking her on walks during nice weather and I usually take her to the bus stop each day regardless of the temp unless it's super windy or rainy. Emily now waves to people, I was watching the news the other day and I noticed her looking at the tv waving to the people, Ha! She also waveds when someone comes over and when daddy gets home. She just recently started clapping and I have to try to get some video of it because she looks so cute, she usually stops right when I get the camera out!!

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