Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All about Emily's 8th month.

Emily turns 9 months today. Only 3 more and she'll be a year! I can't believe it!!
Eighth month picture:

Emily's eighth month:
Latest tricks:
This month Emily took her first step!! We just got it in before she turned 9 months so I got to put it in with this months stuff. She likes to go into hyper crawl when she sees something she wants she can book across the floor like there is no tomorrow. She can stand up by herself for long periods of time until she realizes whats going on then she'll sink slowly to the ground. I'm thinking she'll be walking some time this month. She likes to click her tongue on the roof of her mouth, she thinks it's funny. She also likes to cross and uncross her fingers and while watching them.
Vocal: She's babbling a lot. Mostly with "a" endings. Pa, ba, ma, da, etc and "uh" endings like buh and she says bub which I think is for Nathan. She has different Emily noises that she makes, one when she's happy, one when she wants something one when she's sleepy.

Sleep habits: Similar to last month, we've been sleeping in with mommy in the mornings and skipping morning nap so now we might sleep until 9:30-10:00 and then nap around 2:00 and be good until bedtime.

I got her one of those mesh bags with the handle on the bottom that babies can eat solid food through. She loves that. I put whole strawberries and things that are soft so she can chew and suck on them. She eats baby foods and puffs and small bits of soft things from my plate like noodles. The doctor told me I could start her on whole milk if I wanted to. She does drink baby juices which I water way way down through a sippy cup.

Misc: Emily has a total of four baby teeth now. She looks like a little beaver. Awww.. two on the top and two on the bottom. She still loves going on bike rides, taking baths, talking to herself in the mirror and the backyardagins. She's super laid back and easy going and loves everyone. She'll let anyone hold her. She really likes people with glasses. Her favorite game is when I chase her around, hide behind corners then pop out and say "boo" then I crawl really fast around another corner. She'll crawl after me cracking up the whole way. She got her first "dolly" type toy. It's a glow worm and she loves pushing it's belly and watching it light up. She makes all sorts of excited noises. She still loves her shoe string daddy gave her. She'll crawl around with it in her hand forever and now she has a purple ball she'll whack with her hand then chase after. Recently she's been playing with Kaylee's dollies, staring at them and whacking them on things. So perhaps she'll like playing with dolls.

She had a doctors appointment today. No shots!! Put she did get a toe prick to test her iron levels, which were perfect. The doctor says she loves wonderful and is really developing well. He was impressed with her first step. She's in the 50 percentile for height and weight so she's right where she should be.

Weight: 18 pounds right on the dot
Height: 27 1/2 inches

She's my growing girl!

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