Thursday, February 21, 2008

Emily four months

4th month picture:

Emily just turned five months old recently. I can't believe how fast time goes by. I'm going to recap on her fourth month.

Latest tricks: She's been into rolling over a lot! She'll roll to where she wants to go and has no problem rolling from her tummy to her back or from her back to her tummy. She's been doing push ups. If she's laying on her tummy she'll push up so that her arms are straight and then get onto her toes. At the end of her fourth month she started to sit up by herself some. She has good balance and usually sits for quite awhile but starts slowly folding forward until her face touches the ground.

Vocal: She's starting to put sounds together. I've heard her use a lot of "b" sounds. Ba and buh are favorites. She'll say "ma and muh" she also started to squeal a lot. She squeals for everything, happiness, angry, just being silly, and for attention. She also makes a fake cough noise when she's trying to get your attention, goofy baby.

Sleep habits: She's sleeping better. She went through a period where she was really cranky at night for about an hour or so. But lately I've been able to lay her in her crib and she just puts herself to sleep. She's been doing that for both naps and bedtime. Last night she slept from 10:00 until 7:30 this morning. She takes two sometimes three naps a day, the morning nap is the longest usually running about two plus hours. Then usually an hour around 2:30 and another hour around 6:00.

Eating: Emily is suppose to be starting baby food but she hates it with a passion. So she's basically still on breast milk. I continue to try baby food every few days but i"m not pushing it. Usually she just spits it out and if I keep trying she'll start gagging. She makes some amazing faces when trying something new.

Misc: No teeth yet! I'm hoping she'll wait awhile longer before getting any for my own sake. Emily went on her first vacation up north to the Great Wolf Lodge. More about that on our family blog. She loved the water!!

Her next Doctor's appointment is on the 16th of March.

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