Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Emily is a year old, picture count down

My little girl is a whole year old now!! This past year has just flown by I can't hardly stand it. A few of my favorite memories of Emily:
The day she was born, she cried for just a second then calmed down and was just looking around everywhere for hours... we started getting nervous that she would never sleep.
The first few weeks her cry sounded like a kittens mew.
I remember spending time just rocking and enjoying her.
The open house we had at my parents house, seeing her with my great grandma and grandma.
Watching Kaylee and Nathan play with her.
Her first Christmas, her in her bouncy chair with her Santa hat on while we decorated the tree, she kept making silly faces.
Seeing her smile at me when I talked to her.
Watching her learn to roll, crawl then walk.
Emily being silly when crawling, crawling around with toys in her mouth like a puppy.
Emily at Great Wolf, loving the water
Emily making noises on anything she could get her hands on, running her hand on the cover of a book just to make it squeak.
Emily grabbing her sisters hair whenever she could.
Emily cracking Kaylee and Nathan up by crawling up and tackling them.
Emily's first ride with mommy on my bike.
Emily laying on the bed staring at the fan making circles with her hand to match the fan.
Sitting on the floor looking at her books for long periods of time.
Begging food off of Mommy and Daddy
Emily crinkling her nose up whenever she thinks something is funny
Emily learning "so big" clapping, peek-a-boo
When she smiles at me and gets excited to see me after a nap
When she tries to share her food with me by trying to stick it in my mouth
When I pick her up and she squeezes me with her arms and legs like a little monkey.
Emily at the beach eating sand.. mmmm..
Emily growling at every animal picture she sees
Emily chasing an ant around the floor trying to pick it up.
Emily twisting her tongue.
Watching her running all around the house with balloons for an hour.
Emily enjoying her cup cake.
There are so many memories I could make a giant post and list forever. Here are pictures from when she was a newborn until just recent.
Emily 1 year count down:
Emily 3 days old:

Emily 1 week old:

Emily 2 weeks old:

Emily one month old:

Emily two months:

Emily three months:

Emily four months:

Emily five months:

Emily six months:

Emily Seven Months:

Emily eight months;

Emily nine months:

Emily 10 months:

Emily 11 months:

Emily One Year Old:

Monday, September 8, 2008

Morning walks with mommy

I'm trying to get in shape and Emily is helping!! Here's some pictures from our morning walk:

Emily loves being outside, it was a little nippy this morning:

Well mom, are you just going to stand there or what?!?:

A Emily silly face, she crinkles her nose:

Little smirk:

Not sure what that face is all about, silly girl. I can always tell who is retired, their yards are so plush and awesome:

Out on a walk with mommy:

Getting a little sleepy:

Good News:
I've finally figured out what I'd like to do for Emily's first birthday. I wanted to do something a little different but still wanted to keep it in the family so we're going to go to a local indoor waterpark/hotel and have her party there. Then all the kids can enjoy themselves. We will see if that works out, I need to talk to hotel and see if cake and stuff is allowed in the water park room and make sure they have rooms open for Wednesday night. I did get her cake ordered, I'm so excited I got one from the same place we got our wedding cake with the same filling. Call me silly but I thought Emily being the last baby, for her first birthday it would be nice to have the cake reflect the day we first became a family, or wedding day. I thought it would be sweet. I ordered a cupcake to go along with the cake cake so she can go to town. I'm excited!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Shh.. playing with birthday present

A few more pictures of Emily playing today, mostly on her new zebra. She loves climbing on and off of it.

Watching a man walking his dog:

Climbing on her new Zebra:

Making funny faces while bouncing on Zebra:

whoo hoo:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All about Emily's 10th Month

Emily recently turned 11 months old, she's becoming such a big girl!! Here's some info about her 10th month:
Emily's tenth month:
Latest tricks: Emily has been walking for a couple months now and is an old pro at it. She really can move fast, I guess you could call it "running". She figured out how to climb up on the couch the other day, luckily she only did it the one time. That little stinker is so smart, she knows how to move things that are in her way, she moved a basket I keep her toys in. I was using it to block the door way so she couldn't get out and she moved it. She bends over and picks toys up and walks around with them, she pushes strollers around or her ride on little people school bus. She likes to take toys in and out of baskets, open lids and close lids. She waves good bye with two hands now. She plays Sooooooo big with both arms in the air. She points to the fan and moves her hand in a circle with the fan blades. She claps when she likes something she's eating or when she's excited or happy about something. She runs away from me when she has something I don't want her to have. Emily has a lot of changes this past month, she's becoming more of her own person.
Vocal: Vocal has changed a lot this past month. She says hi, mama, dada, tries to say Kaylee and Nathan, says bye bye, night night, whats that, baby. She asks questions by changing her voice tone when she babbles. I can tell Emily is trying to say actual words, she tries to form different shapes with her mouth and watches my mouth when I say things. A lot of things I don't have a clue what she's saying, sometimes I can figure out what she's trying to say and sometimes a word is clear. I've been reading a few books with her every day now. The favorite book is about animals and the sounds they make, I read that book several times a day. She hasn't tried to make the sounds yet but she does point at the animal on the page that she wants me to make the sound for and then watches my mouth as I make the sound.
Favorite Foods: Emily now eats only people food. She eats no baby foods, she loves cheerios as something to snack on through out the day. Her favorite thing for breakfast is apple oatmeal. For lunches and dinners she likes bite sized pieces of cooked carrots the best and rice. Whenever I eat anything Emily feels the need to share whatever I'm eating. She does give me some cheerios or "shares" her juice cup with me by holding it up to my mouth or sticking a cheerio in my mouth.
Misc: Emily still has six teeth, no new ones yet. She takes one afternoon nap and goes to bed around nine at night. She enjoys going on walks and bike rides with her whole family. She thinks it's funny to see others riding along next to her. We're learning where mommy's nose, eyes, mouth, etc. are. She likes poking me in the eye the best. She covers her hands over her eyes and the moves them and I say Peek-a-boo and she cracks up and does it all over again. She loves her puppy stuffed animal and sleeps with it every night. She likes to push the button on her glow worm and calls it "baby". Emily is my first true snuggle baby, she'll sit with me on the rocker and is happy to just lay back and let me cuddle her. She also will walk up to me if I'm laying in bed wanting me to pick her up and then she'll just lay by me and babble about stuff. Aw.
Lots of new things going on with the peanut! If I've forgotten anything I'll add the info in later. My poor pumpkin has her first fever today and has been clingy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Emily 11 Months

Looking at my Mommy with love.

Clapping my hands.

This was a flower at one it looks like toilet paper.

Old school noisey picture...this grass was amazing...

I'm a flower Daddy...Bet you can't find me.

I need to take some of this stuff home.

This is my grass friend.

Just doing a little SOBIG Aerobics

You want to fight...I can take you!

Me and doggy smiling at the beach.

I love my doggy...I carry him all over the place.

Chillin with doggy while he gets a tan.

What is this stuff for?

I'm pretty sure you can eat it...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Emily Ten Months!! (A little late)

Here's more from Emily's ten month pictures. I just had to add some silly ones on the bottom, of course. She did a lot better here then at the beach!! I think I'll wait until next summer for more beach pictures. She looks a lot older in these pictures, my baby is turning into a little girl!!
Ten months old and sweet as pie:

What?!?! Just sitting here, not doing anything, innocent as can be:

Emily can be very serious:

Aw, she looks sad in this one:

So pretty:

Cracking up so hard she's about falling over:

Hmm.. I'm thinking (Mommy is thinking this pictures is too cute with her crossed legs):

Sweetest baby:

My laid back happy girl:

Ahh... relaxing:

No Emily, Hitler is bad:

Thumbs up mom:

Seats taken keep walking:

Emily's famous tongue twist: