Saturday, April 26, 2008

Emily's Seventh Month pictures

Here's some seventh month pictures we took the other day. I'm not sure if I'm 100 percent finished, this month I ended up taking them spur of the moment and it was right before her nap time so she looks kinda groggy to me in some of them:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Discovering Grass

Another beautiful April day, don't see many days like this in April. Emily and I got outside, her first time in the grass. Here's what she thought:
What is this stuff?!?!:

feels kinda funny:

I'm suppose to eat it, right?:

Not so fun to crawl in:

relaxing with mommy:


Monday, April 21, 2008

Beautiful day for a walk!

Emily and I went on a walk today, the weather was beautiful. She's into taking off her socks so of course she's barefooted. Here's some pictures:
Watching the cars go by:Footsie:
Emily loves the warm air:
Mmm... yummy plastic:
Hi Mommy!!:
Looking around:
Hey, push me a little faster there:
Emily really enjoys going on walks:
Silly Squish pie (thats what Uncle Cory calls her):

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Emily Crawling and playing

Emily and I were playing on the floor today like we always do. I realized I don't have any pictures pictures of her crawling, just video. So out comes the camera and here we go:
Emily Crawling:

Taking off across the floor:

Playing with my baby gym:

When I pull this it sings:

Spinning my toy:

Getting into crawl position:

What kind of toy do you have mommy:

Climbing up mommy:

Mommy's going to get me:

I was actually trying to get a picture of her teeth but she's so wiggley!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Emily's sixth month.

Emily's 6th month picture.
Guess who is almost seven months old!?!?! Miss Emily Ila Thompson thats who.

Latest tricks:
Not many babies start crawling when they're six months old but Emily did!! What a big girl. She started off by doing an Army style crawl (she'd pull herself along on her arms). But now she switches back and forth between being on her hands and knees and the army style crawl. She also can get herself into a sitting position when she's on her hands and knees and she's trying to stand already. She'll get on her hands and knees and then push up so that she's on her hands and feet with her butt high in the air...kinda what I look like when I do push ups.. HA!

Vocal: She yells MaMa now whenever she wants me. She even crawled after me one day yelling Mama.. it was really really cute. She says Da, Ba, Pup, upppp (holds the p sound) pppppppp, thhhhh, we've heard her use the K sound and she does a lot of jibberish noises.

Sleep habits: She pulled in her first tooth and had a few rough nights, poor baby. I just fed her a little more those nights and she falls asleep fast with a full belly. She takes two sometimes three naps a day but usually just the two. Her first nap is in the morning and lasts a couple hours and then another late afternoon.

Eating: Emily is now eating baby food! I'm so happy because it's freed me up a lot. I feed her three times a day introducing a new food each week. Right now she's eating sweet potatos, squash, and green beans as veggies and peaches, bananas, and applesauce as fruits. I plan on trying to let her gum some baby puffs soon. She's still breast feeding regularly and only sucks water out of her cup to spit it back out again. Silly girl.

Misc: Emily's first baby tooth arrived April 2nd!! It's the bottom front tooth and thankfully so far she hasn't bit me yet. I swear she's trying to get another one though, lots of chewing and some drool going on. Emily and her daddy have been going on walks in her new jogging stroller each day we have decent weather. I've been trying to get out and walk as well and I love the stroller, much easier to use then a regular one. Emily's got such a happy spirit, I really notice her personality coming through. I can tell she'll have a good sense of humor, she already does things to make us laugh. She's been laughing at surroundings now. If she sees her sister walk in the room she might crack up at her or if I make a toy do something silly she laughs. She still loves the bath and will try to crawl around the tub which is so funny, looks like she's swimming. She's more aware of people coming and going now, if Jimmy gets home from work and walks in and out of the room she's in she'll become upset. She wants him to spend some time with her. If she's getting hungry or tired and I leave the room she'll cry or yell out ma ma ma ma ma and now she'll try to come after me. She likes to play with her activity set to make sounds and she has a toy that you spin and it sings songs so she'll sit and spin that and if shes near that toy and I sing the song that it makes she'll look at me then find the toy and spin it. Her little head is really starting to think and figure out things. My smart girl!!