Monday, March 24, 2008

Emily's Easter Pictures

Emily's Easter Pictures 2008:
Plastic Eggs are yummy:

Tee hee:

My mommy is so funny:

My little Easter Egg:

Just thinking:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Emily's sixth month check up.

Emily's six month check up was today. Poor sweetie had to get three shots. She did really really well though, she cried while they were giving her the shots but stopped right after. She's really growing well, she's in the 50 percent for weight, 70 percent for weight and 90 percent for her round head (dang rusin genes).
Height: 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 16lbs 10 oz.
Head: 17 1/2 inches
I can go ahead and try giving her fruits since she hates the veggies with a passion. The doctor said that breast milk is really all they need until around nine months its just more of a pain for the mother but I really don't mind as long as she's healthy. So we'll keep plugging away until she figures out that baby food isn't all that nasty. All in all Miss Emily is a growing healthy adorable baby but we already knew all of that.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Emily's fifth month

Emily Five months old:

Emily is a few days away from becoming 6 months old! So here is what's new with the Nemmers....

Latest tricks: Emily has been getting on her hands and knees a lot this month. She started by just pushing up onto her hands and her toes, a little baby push up. The last couple weeks she's been actually scooting backwards around the room. I don't think it will be long before she crawls, I've noticed her starting to inch one knee forward at times and she's been rocking back and forth on her hands and knees. Emily has been sitting nice and straight by herself now. She basically sits by herself fine now but sometimes she'll forget what she's doing and fall over. She spends more time on her hands and knees, I need to have her sit by herself more often. She uses her elbows to push herself up whenever I stick her in her car seat (hates laying back now).

Vocal: Vocal is basically the same as last month. She is always making some sort of sound. She makes a specific noise when she wants her daddy to play the helicopter game with her. She squeals to get Kaylee and Nathans attention and squeals the whole time she's in the bath tub. And maybe I'm wrong but I swear she'll say "muh" when she's sad and wants me.

Sleep habits: She still has been good about putting herself to sleep for naps and for bedtime. Sometimes I rock her to sleep but that's more for my benefit then hers. I love cuddling with my pumpkin! The last two nights she's slept fitfully, getting up every four hours when she usually sleeps six or seven hours. I hope she's not getting what the kids have. She still naps twice a day the first around nine in the morning which gives mommy a chance to work out. The second is after lunch around two.

Eating: Emily still does not enjoy baby food at all. I'll have to ask the doctor what he suggests I do. She's been on breast milk only although I try to give her baby food. She loves to spit it back out and then if I keep trying she gags. Sometimes I have luck with rice cereal. It's probably my fault because I don't really push it all that hard. She has started to drink from a sippy cup. Of course she doesn't actually swallow the water, she'll suck some out and then spit it out.

Misc: Still no teeth yet! I'm still hoping she'll wait awhile longer before getting any since I'm breastfeeding and have heard how bad it hurts to get bit. Emily loves to snuggle a blanket next to her face before she goes to sleep. I have to make sure to check that she doesn't have it pulled over her head. She loves to chew on toys with small bumps and she snuggles stuffed animals. She also has been into my hair lately, it's amazing and so fun to pull because mommy makes noises. She hangs onto her toes whenever she's laying on her back and usually they find their way to her mouth. Mm.. toes. She loves to pull off her socks and can take them off in .2 seconds. She loves music and singing and sometimes actually sounds like she's trying to sing to herself. Emily still is a baldy but she's been getting thicker fuzz lately. It will be strange when she has hair.

Her next Doctor's appointment is on the 16th of March.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Emily and I had a great time playing today. I couldn't help but pull out my camera because she looked so cute today. I've been giving her a cup the past few days to get use to. She can drink from it but spits out the water. I guess water is gross as is cereal and baby food and basically everything except the stuff mommy gives her...sigh....

Emily and her cup:

The best part about drinking water is spitting it out:

Say what?!?!

What the freak is this thing?!?!

I think this is mine:

Feels great on the gums:

If I get grumpy mommy plugs me:

Something is wrong with my bunny: